Complex pancreas surgery
- Overview
- Schedule
- Registration Conditions
Course objective:
Pancreas carcinoma is predicted to have become the second-most frequent fatal cancer by 2030, facing healthcare with an ever growing challenge. To overcome this challenge, there is dire need to develop new forms of treatment of pancreatic carcinoma.
Resection of the tumour is still the central target of therapy. The quality of the surgery is one of the most important prognosis factors for the patient. To achieve the highest treatment quality possible, a standardised procedure is of utmost importance. Within the scope of this surgery workshop, we will present our standardised „pancreatic carcinoma treatment path” and discuss new treatment concepts. We will focus on teaching the surgical strategy, while taking our procedures for treating complications into consideration. There will be a separate session for the essential pre-surgical preparation of patients. Participants will experience various pancreas resections in the surgical theatre concluding in a discussion of each surgical step. We will address quality assurance measures and present strategies for selection of pre-treated patients.
Maximum number of participants: 8
Target groups:
Specialists for visceral surgery with experience in pancreatic surgery
Course evaluation:
A participant’s statement: “What a great opportunity to learn this complex subject. It was all very high-quality!”
2 days
University Hospital Magdeburg, laboratory in Magdeburg, Germany
Day 1: Observation
• Radiological „pitfalls“ in diagnosis
• Which vascular reconstructions are reasonable?
• Surgeries
• Question round and discussion
• Complication management
• Pros and cons of laparoscopic robot-assisted pancreas surgery
Day 2 Hands-on
• Laparoscopic creation of a biliodigestive anastomosis and preparation of the Ligamentum hepatoduodenale
• Laparoscopic pancreas tail resection
• Laparoscopic partial liver resection
Registration is compulsory. Cancellations received up to two weeks prior to the event date will be charged with a processing fee of 25,- Euros. After this date or in case of non-attendance, we will charge the entire conference fee. Registration as well as cancellation must be in writing. You have general questions or booking requests?