Microcatheter embolisations
special focus: particle embolisation
- Overview
- Schedule
- Registration Conditions
Course objective:
The training course is designed to train microcatheter and embolisation particle handling during vascular embolisation for various indications. Modern Interventional Radiology has become excessively demanding with an increasing need for the use of advanced microcatheter and embolisation techniques in a broad range of indications from acute bleeding in emergency cases via chemoembolisation of complex malignancies to gynaecologic embolic management of uterine fibroids. The training course consists of two dominant parts: first, an interactive teaching and lecturing day will provide the necessary insights into materials and techniques available, as well as evidence, indications, patient management and challenging cases. With this theoretical fundament, the second day will take place in the large animal lab providing each participant with the opportunity to practically train microcatheter and embolisation techniques from particles to liquid glue.
Maximum number of participants: 5
Target groups:
Interventional radiologists with basic experience in complex interventions and embolisations.
Course evaluation:
The participants of this workshop generally find it to be one of the best ones they have ever attended. They say that it is perfectly organised and that the staff is very friendly.
1,5 days
Conference room, laboratory in Magdeburg or Munich, Germany
Day 1 – interactive lectures
• Basics, theory and materials
• Transarterial chemoembolisation
• Fibroid embolisation
• Gastrointestinal Bleeding
• Acute upper GI bleeding
• Lower GI bleeding
Day 2 – Hands on
• demonstration of tools and materials
• practical training of microcatheter handling
• practical training of particle handling
• bleeding embolisation with particles
• how to determine the embolisation endpoint
• stepwise embolisation with different particle sizes
• protective embolisation of collaterals with coils
• scaffold-Technique, anchor-technique
• embolisation with glue (histoacryl)
Registration is compulsory. Cancellations received up to two weeks prior to the event date will be charged with a processing fee of 25,- Euros. After this date or in case of non-attendance, we will charge the entire conference fee. Registration as well as cancellation must be in writing. You have general questions or booking requests?